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November Course Report

Updated: Dec 14, 2020

Update on November Progress on Course.

Course Report

November was a busy month due to unseasonably warm weather. Rusty and I were mowing up until Thanksgiving. The Greens were treated with snow mold chemicals (Civatis, harmonizer tebuconazole, and Chipco 2011. The Fairways were treated with fertilizer 40-0-0 and preemergent.

The irrigation system was blown out and completely shut down for the winter. There is one leak that need fixed, by the shop the wash down hook-up blow the quick coupler off. I had the well head motor running, but I cannot get water from the well to the pond. I will have to have these repaired by March. The main electric panel is off so there should be no electrical reading from irrigation pumps or irrigation boxes.

All course accessories have been brought in. Over the winter I will clean them and paint for next season. The course has been put to bed and only small projects left to do over the winter such as repairing cart paths, fixing collars, trimming out trees, and repairing parking lot.

Equipment and Maintenance

There is only one problem that is the JD rough mower. It has a cracked hydraulic hose and needs replaced along with 5 gallons of hydraulic fluid. I will do this in February. The remaining equipment just requires winterization and two throttle cables replaced. I will do these in December and January. I will be moving my truck to shop area and repairing. Other junk equipment should be hauled to scrap yard since it has been there long before my tenure.

Items to Discuss

1. Dumpster placement

2. Cart path repair over winter months

3. Parking lot repair over winter months

4. Collar repairs, (no cost to maintenance)

5. Garden area in front of club house.

6. Chairs still sitting outside need put away before broken or blown away

7. #7, #8, and #9 greens repair (overseeded and plugs from putting green)

8. Range repair and tee box placement so I do not have to dig through cornfield.

9. Range ball distribution. We lost approximately 800 balls this season and that is not acceptable especially since I bought $194 dollars’ worth of balls myself. (about 400 balls). Maintenance cannot continue to monitor range

10. Irrigation system quote and discussion.



Our Services

- Golf (Green Fees)

- Golf Memberships

- Event Hosting

- Tournament Hosting

- Custom Green Aerifying

Clubhouse Hours

Sunday = 8:00-6:00      

Monday = 8:00-8:00
Tuesday =  8:00-8:00
Wednesday = 8:00-8:00
Thursday = 8:00-8:00
Friday = 8:00-8:00
Saturday = 8:00-8:00

Contact Us

1732 Country Club Road

Washington, IA 52353

Tel: 319-653-2080

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© 2021 by Trent Stout. 

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